Tuesday, February 17, 2009

On "Mohawk Valley Living"

I was interviewed today by Sharri Whitney and her husband Lance for our local program Mohawk Valley Living. The show airs on Sundays in the Mohawk valley and can be seen at 0730 on WKTV and then again at midnight. It will also air at 10 am on the CW (ch11). Can't wait to see the finished piece although I might have to wait a while to watch myself....we'll see. They could not have been more helpful or made it easier so in spite of many nerves beforehand and very little sleep last night I think it went OK.


And of course this is all leading up to my artists reception at the Artful Lodger in Clinton on Sunday afternoon from 3-5 pm

1 comment:


Hi Mary:
It is the "Lay of the Land" that gives the Painter the ability to produce soothing results in ones paintings. Great slide show!!
Happy Painting,