Sunday, January 25, 2009

More recycled stuff

Base coated recycled paint cans as planters

Painted Paint Can

I end up with a lot of paint cans it seems and what to do with them??? Yes, they can be delivered

to the recycling center once the paint is gone or completely dried in the can .....but I think they can be used for other things.
I removed the paper label and cleaned the glue off and primed the metal with BIN primer (love it for EVERYTHING). Then it's a pretty simple process of base coating it with a khaki green ( matching a lot of my exterior lattice work) Last summer I stopped at that point with several cans painted khaki green and used them in a row on the deck to hold geraniums.

Recently with rubber stamps in hand and paint cans in the basement for the winter I added more designs and color to the cans....what took me so long? I love them.......can't wait for Summer to get them outside again with geraniums.

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